Senior Spotlight: Mason Jackson
Today Triton High School honors the accomplishments of senior Mason Jackson. Mason is the son of Holly Miller and Brian Jackson. Mason plans to pursue a degree in political science at Ball State University this fall and then enter law school. As a student-athlete, Mason wrestled this past season and had hopes of entering field events this spring. Mason plans to join Ball State’s Esports team.
Q&A with Mason
Do you have any siblings? Yes, Tyler is older and Madison and Kaitlyn are younger.
Who were your role models growing up? Who inspires you today? My mother and father
What do you consider your biggest life accomplishment so far? I set the goal of getting accepted to a college when I was a freshman. I achieved it by trying my best to keep good grades throughout high school.
What impressions do you hope you've made as a scholar, athlete, and/or member of the community? I hope I was funny, nice, and caring to underclassman.
Do you have any special talents? no
What's something interesting that most people don't know about you? I don't know.
If you won an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go? The Bahamas
If you had 2 hours every week to do anything you wanted, what would it be and why? I would play ultimate frisbee.
Is there anyone you would like to thank or give a shoutout to? My uncles Derek and Dougie
Anything else you would like to share about yourself, your class, hopes, dreams..... ? No
Rapid Fire
▶︎ Sport to play: football
▶︎ Sport to watch: basketball
▶︎ Food: wings
▶︎ Time of day: afternoon
▶︎ Movie: Zathura
▶︎ TV or online show: The Ben Shapiro Show
▶︎ Genre of music: rap
▶︎ Subject in school: Government
▶︎ Dream Job: politician or lawyer