Today Triton High School honors the accomplishments of senior Madison Stetzel. Madison is the daughter of Rhya Walters, Adam Stetzel, Mike Walters, and Kari Stetzel. After high school, Madison plans to attend Indiana University South Bend to obtain a degree in Elementary Education. As a student-athlete, Madison played volleyball and was on the track team her freshman year. She is currently undecided about participating in athletics or extracurriculars at IUSB.

Q&A with Madison
Do you have any siblings? Yes, Jahi Stetzel and Kali Loftus are older and Aaden Stetzel and Arianah Walters are younger.
What clubs or activities do you participate in outside of sports? Spirit Club 4 years, Science Club 2, Spanish Club 1
Who were your role models growing up? Who inspires you today? While growing up my role models were my parents. The same people that I looked up to while growing up I still look up to them now and that will never change.
What impressions do you hope you've made as a scholar, athlete, and/or member of the community? I hope to set an example of being a responsible student and showing others that working hard at school really pays off.
What's something interesting that most people don't know about you? I was born in California and moved to Indiana when I was around two.
If you won an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the wold, where would you go? Bora-Bora
If you had 2 hours every week to do anything you wanted, what would it be and why? Hang out with friends and doing whatever
Is there anyone you would like to thank or give a shoutout to? My parents for always being there for me and supporting me through the school year
Anything else you would like to share about yourself, your class, hopes, dreams..... ? My dream after college is to move to North Carolina and start my career there.
Rapid Fire
▶︎ Sport to play: volleyball
▶︎ Sport to watch: football
▶︎ Food: Pho
▶︎ Time of day: nighttime
▶︎ Movie: I Can Only Imagine
▶︎ TV or online show: YOU (TV series)
▶︎ Genre of music: indie
▶︎ Subject in school: Psychology
▶︎ Dream Job: elementary teacher