The 2022 Marshall County Junior Golf Tour includes 7 individual events and will begin on Tuesday, June 7th at
Woodbury Golf Course. The championship concludes on Wednesday, July 6th at Swan Lake Resort’s Black Course.
Boy’s age groups are: 9 & under (play 6 holes), 10-12 (play 6 holes), 13-15 (play 9 holes), and 16-18 (play 18 holes).
Girl’s age groups are: 9 & under (play 6 holes), 10-12 (play 6 holes), 13-15 (play 9 holes), and 16-18 (play 18 holes).
Parents are encouraged to help monitor play, as well as record and verify scores, but WILL NOT be allowed to
provide coaching advice or cart rides during the events. *Cart rides may be provided to transport players when
groups are starting/finishing in a location far away from the clubhouse* All golfers 12 & under will receive an award
at each event. Golfers may choose to compete at an elevated age group but not in an age group lower than his/her age.
Your age group will be determined by the age of the participant at the start of the first event. Proper golf attire (collared
shirt or jacket) is required, along with proper bottoms. No denim or gym shorts please!
*POINTS SYSTEM (format used to determine season champions): There are 7 tour events and the combined total
received at all events will be used to determine the season champion in each division. Golfers need to participate in a
minimum of 4 events to be eligible for the championship. First place for each event is equal to the number of participants
playing on each date in his or her division, not to exceed 10 points; second place is half the number of participants; third
place is one point less than second, etc. Example: 10 participants 1st=10 points, 2nd=5 points, 3rd=4 points, 4th=3 points,
5th=2 points, 6th-10th=1 point. Ties for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be broken by sudden death holes, putt-offs, or chip-offs. All
other ties will be awarded equal points. The top three in each age group will receive awards at each event and then at the
final tour stop for the overall championship, as well.
Tour dates and locations:
June 7, Tuesday – Woodbury Golf Course (Plymouth) 574-936-4405
June 13, Monday – Studebaker Golf Course (South Bend) 574-287-6634 (9 hole course, tee times made in advance)
June 16, Thursday – McCormick Creek Golf Course (Nappanee) 574-773-2725
June 20, Monday – Round Barn Golf Club @ Mill Creek (Rochester) 574-223-5717
June 23, Thursday – Pretty Lake Golf Club (Plymouth) 574-935-3705
June 29, Wednesday – Swan Lake Resort - Silver Course (Plymouth) 574-936-9798
July 6, Wednesday – Swan Lake Resort - Black Course (Plymouth) 574-936-9798
...below is the tentative plan and approximate tee times, players must report 10 minutes prior to scheduled tee time
16-18 boys: 18-holes (first tee time approximately at 7:30 AM from Hole #1)
13-15 boys: 9-holes (first tee time approximately at 7:45 AM from Hole #10)
16-18 girls: 18-holes (first tee time approximately at 8:00 AM from Hole #1)
10-12 girls: 6-holes (first tee time approximately at 8:30 AM from Hole #10)
13-15 girls: 9-holes (first tee time approximately at 8:45 AM from Hole #1)
10-12 boys: 6-holes (first tee time approximately at 9:30 AM from Hole #1)
9 & under girls: 6-holes (first tee time approximately at 10:15 AM from Hole #1)
9 & under boys: 6-holes (first tee time approximately at 11:00 AM from Hole #10)
Tee times reflect numbers from previous year’s events and are subject to change. Please complete your check-in process
no later than 10 minutes prior to the above tee time schedule. After each event, times may be adjusted for the next event
to accommodate the number of players in each age group. *I will need to know the night before the Studebaker event
if you’ll be playing so that I can set tee times for the next morning.*
IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER: Call the golf course!
Photos, results, and other information will be posted on our Facebook page:
For more information contact - Andrew Dreibelbis @ 574-274-2086 - OR -
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